Georgia Communication Association
Website of the Georgia Communication Association
Submissions due Friday November 24th, 2023 Sunday December 2rd, 2023
GCA invites paper, panel, and GIFTS (Great Ideas for Teaching Speech) proposals from faculty, students, and professionals.
Both applied and research-based presentations are sought. Adjunct faculty, graduate student, and undergraduate student participation is encouraged. We especially welcome submissions from newcomers to the organization!
This year, submissions will be sent through our website portal. In order to submit, you must make a free account on the site. You do not have to purchase a membership prior to submitting your proposal. Once you are logged into the website, you will see the “Submission Central” link in the 2024 Conference menu.
Starting in 2024, reviewers will determine winners for a competitive Top Paper and Top Presentation, with separate categories for students. Please submit your best work!
Paper Presentation (10-15 min) Similar papers may be grouped in a session. Submit an Author(s), Title, and Category. Submit a 250 Word Abstract into the text box, and attach a synopsis of the complete paper and works cited (1-3 pages). Alternatively, we encourage submission of full papers, which will qualify for the Top Paper award. To submit a qualifying paper, submit a 250 Word Abstract into the text box, and attach a completed paper and bibliography (25 pages max).
Panel Presentation (45 min) Intended for multiple presenters that may include faculty, students, and/or community partners, ideally with an interactive component. Submit Panelists (minimum 2), Title, and Category. Submit a 250 word abstract into the text box, and attach a document with a biography of panelists (1 paragraph each) and an annotated bibliography of relevant materials (annotation of 1 paragraph or less per source, 3 pages max).
Roundtable Discussion (45 min) A presenter-facilitated discussion allowing for deeper engagement with an idea, trend, program, or research topic. Submit a Presenter(s), Title, and Category. Submit a 250 word abstract into the text box, and attach a document with a biography of presenters (1 paragraph each) and an annotated bibliography of relevant materials (annotation of 1 paragraph or less per source, 3 pages max).
Interactive Workshop (45 min) Allows faculty, students, and/or communication practitioners to actively teach models for engaged or community-based learning. Submit a Presenter(s), Title, and Category. Submit a 250 word abstract into the text box, and attach a document with a biography of presenters (1 paragraph each) and an annotated bibliography of relevant materials (annotation of 1 paragraph or less per source, 3 pages max).
Immersive Experience (90 min) A longer-form interactive workshop allowing for extended time to examine a singular topic or issue in depth. Submit a Presenter(s), Title, and Category. Submit a 250 word abstract into the text box, and attach a document with a biography of presenters (1 paragraph each) and an annotated bibliography of relevant materials (annotation of 1 paragraph or less per source, 3 pages max).
“Great Ideas for Teaching Students”/GIFTS (5 minute max) Submit an abbreviated classroom idea, assignment, or activity that inspires innovative teaching and learning. Submit an Author(s), Title, and Category. Submit a 250 word abstract into the text box, and attach a document with a biography of presenters (1 paragraph each) and an annotated bibliography of relevant materials (annotation of 1 paragraph or less per source, 3 pages max).
*Submissions without the appropriate attached materials will not be considered*