GCA 2016 Hotels and Maps (Revised)
GCA Student Film Festival Flyer
For each person you want to register: select the appropriate option, type your name, email address, and whether you plan to attend the complimentary Friday lunch. Once the information is selected, click “Add to Cart” to be taken to a checkout page. If you want to add more registrants, click the “Continue Shopping” button on the checkout page to return to this page. Repeat the registration process until all registrants are added, then complete the checkout process.
If this is your first time purchasing a GCA membership, please also fill out the membership application located here.
All student registration options are handled through the separate form at the bottom of the page.
If you prefer to pay by check, make it payable to Georgia Communication Association, and mail it (along with your registration selections) to Juli Clay, GCA Executive Director, Brenau University, 500 Washington St. S.E., Gainesville, GA 30501.
- Advanced Member Registration (By Jan. 31) $25
- Advanced Non-Member Registration (By Jan. 31) $45
- Member Registration (After Jan. 31) $40
- Non-Member Registration (After Jan. 31) $60
- Student Registration FREE (Must submit registration to attend lunch)
- On-Site Registration +$10 (including students who plan to attend lunch)
- Friday Night Dinner +$22
- 1 Year GCA Membership (Patron) $25
- 1 Year GCA Membership (Regular) $15
- 1 Year GCA Membership (Student) $10
Student Registration Options
If you are ONLY registering as a student for the conference, please click here to register. If you are purchasing a GCA membership and/or the Friday night dinner, please utilize the PayPal form below.